Team Member / Social Media Manager

Team Member / Social Media Manager Sabrina has a love for animals and conservation of the environment. She studied international marketing and media. She is the manager of other successful social media accounts and an award winning photographer. Her goal is to involve people in our foundation through education.

Board Member / Associate Director

Jennifer Nicholson is an accomplished actress, fashion designer and animal advocate. Jennifer provides support to our organization, helping to connect our charity with celebrity supporters to help raise international awareness for Borneo.

Team Member / Marketing Manager

Rachel Bradley runs Seven Twenty, an adventure sports production company based in Chamonix, France.  Prior to relocating to France in 2012, Rachel lived in the UK where she studied Biological Science (BSc) specializing in primate anthropology and documentary film making (Dip), she was a volunteer at London Zoo working mainly in the primate enclosure and in 2009 traveled to Uganda to study and habituate golden monkeys.

Board Member / Secretary

DJ Weaver, LMFT, LNHA is the Administrator for Lakeview Terrace Post-Acute Hospital, in California. He is a seminar & Workshop Leader, a certified Energetic Healer, Child Education Advocate & Animal Advocate, and most proudly; a Board Member of the Borneo Wildlife Preservation.


Team Leader / Elephant Care Specialist

Robert is an expert in his field of elephant care and has worked as an Elephant Curator for 25 years at the Tierpark Strohen Zoo in Germany.

Board Member / Treasurer

Patrick Zucchetta holds an engineering degree in electronics and has 30+ years of extensive experience in company management for high-tech activities around professional and cinematographic image and sound.


Team Member / Captive Elephant Advisor

Team Member / Captive Elephant Advisor Christopher Stremme is a certified veterinarian and an accomplished animal trainer who has worked closely with elephants and large animals for many years. He is involved in multiple wildlife and elephant conservation projects and has co-authored several publications on veterinary medical care management for elephants in captivity. Christopher has…

Christian Moore

Partnership Advisor

Partnership Advisor Christian has founded Global Environment Media, a platform focusing on biodiversity and environmental issues.    With over 20 years of film and television industry experience producing numerous television shows and documentaries as well as having been part of the production on over 25 feature films, he founded this platform to share environmentally sustainable content of Global NGO’s…

President/Founder, BWP

Kat Pirelli holds a degree in Exotic Animal Behavioral Management and Training and has extensive experience working with both exotic and domestic animals in various countries.